

Outlet mall helps Chinese


On May 5, 2022, the opening ceremony of Outlet Mall to globalization was successfully held in the headquarters of Outlet Mall economic enterprise. Hundreds of guests attended the meeting, including marketing planning masters, new economy experts, representatives of business associations, organization executives, entrepreneurs and investors, witnessed the launch of Outlets Mall. This event is of great significance. Representatives from more than 200 brand enterprises, including food, wine, clothing, cosmetics, bags, shoes, auto parts, hardware, maternal and child, amusement equipment, home appliances, digital and international well-known brands, attended the meeting to discuss the future development of China, and joined together to enter the Outlet mall platform. It marks that Chinese enterprises will develop together and become bigger and stronger through Altres Mall platform to globalization.




China's nominal GDP will exceed 114 trillion yuan in 2021. China's share of the world economy may surpass that of the EU, with per capita GDP exceeding us $12,000.


Although the domestic economy in the fourth quarter of 2021 faced the impact of short-term scattered epidemic and triple pressures, under the protection of the policy of "steady growth", the economy continued the trend of recovery. GDP grew by 4.0% year-on-year, and the two-year average growth rate was about 5.2%, better than that in the third quarter.




For the year as a whole, China's GDP grew by 8.1% year on year and 5.1% on average in the past two years, one of the fastest among major economies in the world. The 14th Five-Year Plan got off to a good start against the backdrop of the pandemic and accelerating changes in the century. In terms of nominal data, China's GDP in 2021 is 114.4 trillion yuan, about 17.7 trillion US dollars. According to our estimation, China's share of the world economy may surpass that of the EU in 2021. In addition, per capita GDP was 80,976 yuan, or about 12,551 U.S. dollars, surpassing 12,000 U.S. dollars for the first time and approaching the world Bank's standard of high income.


December industrial production rose 4.3% from a year, two years the average growth rate of about 5.8%, compared with the previous value to speed up the 0.4%, mainly reflects the policy of insurance for stabilizing price continues to advance, boosting industrial production from two aspects, one is the upstream mining industry to speed up production, 2 it is to relieve cost pressures of middle manufacturing began to actively production, speed up the stock. On a cumulative basis, the added value of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing grew by 18.2% and 12.9% respectively, 8.6 and 3.3 percentage points faster than those of industries above designated size. This reflects China's continued high-quality development and accelerated industrial upgrading.


China's investment in fixed assets will reach 54.5 trillion yuan in 2021, up 3.9 percent on average over the past two years. Fixed-asset investment grew at a two-year average compound rate of about 3.93 percent in December, further accelerating from the previous figure. From the three areas of investment:


Infrastructure investment has picked up significantly. In December, the average growth rate of infrastructure in one month and two years was 4.0% year-on-year, up by about 5 percentage points from -0.9%. Currently, infrastructure projects, funds and implementation conditions are sufficient, and the growth rate of infrastructure investment is expected to reach more than 7% in the first quarter of 2022.


Investment in the manufacturing sector grew by over 11%, with high-tech manufacturing continuing to be the main driver. In December, the average year-on-year growth rate of manufacturing investment in a single month in two years was 11.0%, basically unchanged from the previous value. Investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 16.7% in two years. Investment in high-tech manufacturing, such as medicine, computer, communications, railway, shipbuilding, aviation, aerospace, transportation and special equipment, played an obvious driving role. Manufacturing investment is expected to maintain a rapid growth rate of over 8%.


The growth rate of real estate investment hit bottom again. In December, the two-year average growth rate of real estate investment in a single month was -3.0%, turning from positive to negative and 6 percentage points lower than in November. The sharp drop in real estate investment growth may be due to the slowdown in the pace of land acquisition by enterprises in the second and third quarters, which led to a significant decrease in the plan of land purchase expenses in December. As a matter of fact, the marginal of the land auction market is improving, and policies to promote real estate based on city policies and a virtuous cycle are being introduced one after another. It is expected that the growth rate of real estate investment in 2022 will have a relatively limited space for further decline. The growth rate of real estate investment in each quarter is low before and then high, and it is expected to be 2.8% for the whole year.


Overall, given the pressure from a high base for economic growth in the first quarter of 2021 and the current local epidemic, the central government has given greater priority to ensuring steady growth and is focusing on increasing effective investment in a targeted manner. Investment is expected to grow by 5.4% in 2022. It is suggested that investment in infrastructure be further boosted. Manufacturing investment remained high and real estate investment bottomed out.


In December, the year-on-year growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods was 1.7%, and the two-year compound growth rate was 3.1%, down 1.4 percentage points from the previous month, significantly lower than market expectations and our expectations. In terms of classification, the prosperity of catering consumption improved slightly, but the decline of commodity consumption was larger. The two-year compound growth rate of goods consumption was 3.7 percent, down 1.6 percentage points from the previous month, while the two-year compound growth rate of food consumption was -0.9 percent, up 0.7 percentage points from the previous month.


The lower than expected consumption growth in December was mainly affected by the fluctuation of consumption growth of individual goods. In addition to the impact of the epidemic, the following trends are expected to be affected by three aspects: 1) Automobiles and other large consumer goods have entered the improvement stage; 2) The transmission of inflation to residents leads to the increase of nominal consumption growth; 3) The employment and income of residents will gradually improve with the implementation of the policy of steady growth and the return of economic operation to normal, and residents' willingness to consume will also be restored. Taking these factors into account, consumption growth in January-February is expected to be higher than the 3.1% two-year compound growth in December 2021.




In the current environment, the process of globalization is accelerating and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Chinese enterprises have many problems, such as low technology content, high taxes, excessive taxes and fees, disordered brands, limited development space, excessive inventory pressure, poor sales channels and low profit space. There are many problems in Chinese enterprises, such as intermingled good and bad industries, immature enterprise management, lack of self-discipline and rational management of leading brands, no strategy for enterprises, no strategy for competition, and no strategy for brands. How can Chinese enterprises meet people's growing demand for a better life? How does manufacturing enterprise break out in the market of various varieties? How to reduce operating costs? How to improve the core competitiveness to win market competition? How to connect with the globalization of the international market? These problems are urgent problems to be solved in the industry. It urgently needs a platform with fast channel expansion, low operating cost and whole-process service, which is a big platform for Chinese wine industry enterprises to expand channels, expand sales, build brands, build market rules and sort out new order. Led a large number of enterprises stationed in outlets Mall, is to rely on outlets mall platform to solve these problems of industry development.




They entered the Outlet mall, mainly take a look at the Outlet mall to solve substantive problems for enterprises. Outlets Mall, the first to enter the enterprise to give O rent, 0 property fees, 0 markup, 0 delay settlement...... Reduce enterprise cost by 300%; Second, cooperate with local governments to give enterprises 10 years of tax incentives to return; Third, set up domestic and foreign chain channels for enterprises to enter the market, directly cover the whole country, enter the global market; Fourth, let the enterprises directly enjoy the outlet mall bulk purchase services; Fifth, set up third-party business services for enterprises in the whole industrial chain and shape enterprise brands; Sixth, financial and IPO incubation services for enterprises, so that enterprises through the capital market incubation and growth...... Not only the enterprises entering outlets Mall can enjoy many favorable conditions of Outlets Mall, all enterprises in Outlets Mall will also enjoy platform treatment.




Learned, outlet mall new economic enterprise headquarters is a never ending new global business world expo, with original (network + entity) financial business model, the construction entity + online mall, mall in digital industry and digital technology as the core, for the global manufacturing, entity enterprise set up online synchronous integrated public service platform. Combines offline business opportunities and the Internet, the Internet become offline trading desk, offline as an Internet business experience, after sales, warehousing, logistics, distribution, trade, exhibition, credit, brand building, such as supplement, to "permanent free associated + international three-dimensional mining hatch pin + supermarket + financial integration service listed" operation mode, Covering the global business circulation. Outlet Mall will help enterprises on the platform become national brands and international brands. It will become a normal operation state for enterprises to take advantage of outlet Mall platform to enter the capital market, business and global market.

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