Honest Outlet
Honest Outlets
  Honest Outlets
Reporting channels
honest and upright
tip-off (phone) call
mail address
R04, Floor 3, Building N, Alibaba Building, No.1333 Keyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
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honest and upright Honesty and integrity are the unchangeable qualities that blend into the blood of Outlets, and they are upright and the foundation of Outlets' life. Self-discipline and self-denial are the foundation of outlet cadres. As the elite of outlet business, we have some information in our hands more or less. Facing the temptation, we should always take cleanliness as the creed of life, be honest and upright with awe, stand by the rules, stick to the bottom line of honesty, strictly observe the moral red line, be clean and honest, be selfless and fearless in doing business, buckle up every button in life, and take every step in life. First, self-respect and self-love. Take the lead in fulfilling the Code of Integrity and Self-discipline, strengthen the ideals and beliefs, keep in mind the sense of purpose, stay sober and firm, have the "initial heart" of fearing the enterprise and the cause, take trust as responsibility, take strict control as love, be alert and self-reflective, really draw a red line in thought, and clearly define the boundaries in action, so that you will not be confused in front of communication, unshakable in front of interests, and unmoved in front of temptation. Second, self-respect and self-discipline. We should firmly establish the consciousness of "correcting others first", be strict with ourselves, take the lead in observing rules and discipline, strictly abide by the working spirit of outlets, and constantly correct "four winds". We should persistently strengthen the study of the relevant provisions on building a clean government, temper our personality, cultivate our virtue and demonstrate our conduct, and take the lead in observing the law, being courteous and ashamed, and respecting morality and being kind. Third, self-alarm and introspection. It is necessary to standardize the prudent use of power, treat jobs correctly, consciously put greed into the cage of the system, expose greed to the sunshine of supervision, control yourself, control the details, and always think about the benefits of "strictness" and the harms of "verticality". In the face of the entanglement of various interests, you can keep your integrity, and the alarm bells will ring and guard against infighting. Responsibility should not disgrace the lofty mission, respect the profession, manage yourself, and be cautious in words and actions. It is necessary to strengthen the warning to respect the profession, improve oneself, and perform job duties with a high degree of self-discipline and loyalty. It is the initial responsibility, and the mission is to take responsibility. In the future work, we must not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, keep our "quiet and far-reaching" calm, arouse our determination to "break Loulan", and go all out to do the duties entrusted to us by the enterprise.
Confidential instructions
  We encourage real-name reporting, and keep the personal information and content of real-name reporting strictly confidential.