Legal Statement
Legal statement

Dear friends, Recently, some employees of our company maliciously spread the information unfavorable to the company, which seriously affected the reputation of the company. At the same time, they continued to harass our partners by taking advantage of their previous status in our company, and wantonly spread rumors and deliberately discredit our company's reputation, which seriously infringed on our company's legitimate rights and interests. Our company reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility from the rumor makers and spreaders. Here, our company makes the following solemn statement: The network is an important platform for the public to know and transmit information. We hope that customers and friends will work with us to maintain a correct public opinion orientation, a healthy network environment, respect the truth, respect the facts, and refuse to listen to, believe or spread rumors. Hereby declare Outlets (Shenzhen) Business Operation Co., Ltd. On January 10th, 2022